Sunday 21 July 2013

Pages from Diary - 19

It was rather bad day today..
I went to upstairs and fell on my head..on the slippery terrace..
There were algae and little mud and lots of water..and I fell in that..

And my head is aching..

I seldom cry when I fall or get injured, but today I literally burst into tears there itself.. Thank God my spectacles were okay..and so was head..

Anyhow, so I cried.. As always, Mom asked once or twice about it and she went out for her work..

I felt bad at first but then it was okay suddenly..
I fell because I was gonna it whatever fate, destiny, kismet or human mistake..
My head is aching but I can tolerate that..
Mom dint care and I can tolerate that too..
Dad doesn't know and I dint tell him..I may not tell him..

I took responsibility for my pains and its fine..never better...