Friday 19 July 2013

Pages from Diary -17

Those anti-depressants have shown their side-effect first time. I was drowsy all day long. And under pressure too..because Mom scolds if I go to sleep.
I was dozing entire morning and literally waiting for Mom to go out so that I could sleep peacefully for at least half-an-hour.

And I saw two recursive dreams..after long 6-8 weeks..

In first dream, I was sleeping in my dream and there I was seeing dream and sleeping there again.. I was trying to wake up in last level dream but of course I could not.. All I was hearing was Mom's voice in background and her scolding..

Another recursive dream was in the noon. I have decided to nap for hour but again the same thing. Mom's scolding, I was sleeping and my heart beating fat..

Both of them drained me.. It was probably worst experience..

The day was blank like a black board and I lost all the white chalks..