Tuesday 19 February 2013

Once again...

1. Why not me?

2. Am I nice?
 I guess..yeah...

3. Am I doing what I really want to do?

4. What am I grateful for?
for literally everything...

5. What’s missing in my life?
actually nothing...a bit discipline and determination I would say...

6. Am I honest?
yes..most of the times..sometimes white lies..

7. Do I listen to others?

8. Do I work hard?
Nope..i should..and I will..

9. Do I help others?
yeah...whenever I can...

10. What do I need to change about myself?
i need to be more polite, less rash and a lot disciplined and serious about my life..

11. Have I hurt others?
yes..a lot

12. Do I complain?
yeah..i want to change that..i want to reduce my complaining..

13. What’s next for me?
PG diploma and a job

14. Do I have fun?
yeah..may not be like other people..like partying, hanging out etc..but i do have my ideas of fun and chillin out...

15. Have I seized opportunities?
Nope...that is a regret i would say

16. Do I care about others?
Not really..whenever i do, that creates a misunderstanding..so i kinda stopped doing that..

17. Do I spend enough time with my family?

18. Am I open-minded?
a lott...

19. Have I seen enough of the world?
nope..i am just 20 and there's a lot to explore..so many people to meet and so many places to see...

20. Do I judge others?
i used to..but not anymore..i let people be themselves...

21. Do I take risks?

22. What is my purpose?
honestly no idea..but right now i aim to be a good programmer and a good girl...

23. What is my biggest fear?
so many....biggest one is if someone judged me based on the way i look(being a not-so-good-looking is kinda sin when you are a girl)...that has happened a lot in the past...but i still fear that...

24. How can I conquer that fear?
no idea..i can put on layers of makeup but that is really not my thing....

25. Do I thank people enough?

26. Am I successful?
yes and no..

27. What am I ashamed of?
my behavior and failure in past 3 years...

28. Do I annoy others?
i used to..but not anymore...

29. What are my dreams?

30. Am I positive?

31. Am I negative?

32. Is there an afterlife?

33. Does everything happen for a reason?

34. What can I do to change the world?
no idea..

35. What is the most foolish thing I’ve ever done?

many to mention..

36. Am I cheap?

37. Am I greedy?
nope..but yeah when it comes to books..

38. Who do I love?

39. Who do I want to meet?
Pitookaka and Pauol Coelho

40. Where do I want to go?
Italy and Spain

41. What am I most proud of?
nothing really..

42. Do I care what others think about me?

43. What are my talents?
ummm...i don't remember any..

44. Do I utilize those talents?
out of question..

45. What makes me happy?
books, flowers, nice smells, good food, good design..

46. What makes me sad?
bad marks

47. What makes me angry?
when someone doesnt reply me..

48. Am I satisfied with my appearance?
hell no...

49. Am I healthy?
on the way.. :P

50. What was the toughest time in my life?
last 3 years..

51. What was the easiest time in my life?
when i was in school..

52. Am I selfish?

53. What was the craziest thing I did?
not studying when i have to..

54. What is the craziest thing I want to do?
go for a retreat for some 30 days w/o phone/laptop/digital device..

55. Do I procrastinate?
a lot..

56. What is my greatest regret?
thinking too much by brain and thinking too much by heart..

57. What has had the greatest impact on my life?
my troubles...

58. Who has had the greatest impact on my life?


59. Do I stand up for myself?
rarely..i have very poor self-esteem..

60. Have I settled for mediocrity?

61. Do I hold grudges?
nope..not anymore..

62. Do I read enough?
a lot more than enough.. :P but still i think i don't read enough.. :D

63. Do I listen to my heart?

64. Do I donate enough to the less fortunate?
i don't earn yet...so..but when i'll, i'll give 6.25% of my income to this..

65. Do I pray only when I want something?
yes n no..it is never the case that i don't want anything..i always pray and i always want something..

66. Do I constantly dwell on the past?
yes...a lottt...

67. Do I let other people’s negativity affect me?
yes..a lott...

68. Do I forgive myself?
not really..

69. When I help someone do I think “What’s in it for me”?

70. Am I aware that someone always has it worse than me?
hell yeah!! i am always aware of that...

71. Do I smile more than I frown?

72. Do I surround myself with good people?
ummm..not yet...

73. Do I take time out for myself?

74. Do I ask enough questions?