Tuesday 13 August 2013

Pages from Diary - 23

So I am in this new city since last fortnight. I have 8 roommates but still I don't share my room with anyone because it is too small to fit two beds. I wash my clothes almost every day by hand. The only luxury is electric water geyser and a maid who comes every morning to clean the rooms.
I am alone and well, lonely too..
I have not made many new friends. Rather I haven't made friends at all.. Just acquaintances.. Because I want to take time to know people.. I am in no hurry..

Had you told me that I was here at this place four years ago, I would have not believed it.. Even now, I am feeling if I am in a dream..

I kind of have freedom but I have to do lots of work everyday.. I doze in tuition and sometimes sleep in the lab on my keyboard..

I want to get a part-time job.. My Parents do support me financially but I want to be independent.. Sometimes I feel that I want to do this because I want to break all ties with them..

Also I go to the temple almost everyday..

P. S. Boring post.. I know.. :P