Friday 4 October 2013

Little Notes on Girlhood {Links - 5}

N.B.: This post is only for girls/women. Guys may/should skip it.

Now that I have been living with girls of my age and older for last two months. So I felt like sharing something I have learnt in this period (and in last 9 years of having period :P). So here it goes..

  • All of my room-mates past and present too(I changed the room a week ago) wear bra to bed. Some 6 months ago, while talking with a dear friend, she told me that she wears bra to bed.. And when I asked her why, she dint have any particular answer. I was shocked. And I am more shocked after coming here. It is torture to wear something tight around your chest  while sleeping. It makes breathing difficult but because that we have formed habit for years, we may not feel like that. In adolescence, we are told to wear bra..not to take it off while sleeping. So please do yourself and your lungs a favour and remove bra while sleeping. And no, your breasts won't sag if you skip it at night. (In fact, wearing bra has nothing to do with sagging of breasts. They are going to sag no matter what you do sooner or later because of gravity).
  • Don't use baking soda for scrubbing your face and lemon rind for that bleaching effect(!!!!!). Here is why.
  • Don't grow your toenails like your finger nails. Trust me it looks gross. And please do not color them with some trashy hues like shiny purple, black(unless you are as fair as Cinderella), fiery red. Peach, olive green, baby pink looks great. (Personally, I use transparent :P )
  • You need to read this about vaginal discharge and do your own research about things related to this. You SHOULD know your body. Start from here and here.
  • Seven tactics they use to make you buy you more makeup