Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Little Notes on Girlhood

Okay.. Now this is a bullet points list..
Here it goes..
  • Himalaya Antiseptic cream is great for allergy like bruises caused after waxing. I happened to apply it..and viola..it worked...overnight.. I have applied it again today... Also it has wonderful smell..a bit like Boroplus cream..
  • If you disliked some ready-made wet facepack/mudpack or simply want to finish up tube, apply it to feet and wash off after 5-10 minutes... :D I was packing all day yesterday. So I had to work in dust.. I woke up to feet in no-so-good-condition and screaming for pedicure.. (I have never done it :P)..  I had nothing to do for a while so I applied this Himalaya Neem Pack. It worked well.
  • I sometimes love outfits of Girls on tumblr... Especially on  Deserted Road.. Do check it out.
  • I came across a beautiful paragraph..
    When you see how your blood still runs the color of sunsets and your tears the color of oceans deep, do not forget to remember that your lungs inhale heaven every time they expand.
    Keep the soles of your feet firmly planted on the earth. With weak ankles and knobby knees, embrace your form because even the most beautiful trees grow up crooked. It’s okay, because you can reach for sunlight with both arms flung open. Let it sink in your pores and flow bright in your veins.
    Gather up your broken blades like lost teeth. You can trade them in for better things, but don’t forget to ask for so much more. They are not your haphazard collection of keys. Throw them out, now, and don’t look for more doors to unlock.
    The more you love, the more you lose. The more you lose, the more you gain. The more you gain, the more you love. Do not stop halfway or you risk losing it all, even the love you never knew you had.
    Trace the graceful slope of your valleys with your fingertips, a lover’s caress. Realize that you may descend into darkness for a painful while, but eventually you will climb back up into the light.
    -Nineteen years of lessons — vitamere (via vitamere )

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Little Notes on Life

Its such a long time I have written anything... Okay,  except codes.. They are my bread(whole wheat, mind you), butter(the white one we get when Mom churns the buttermilk, not Amul Butter) and well, cheese too...

So where I have been for all these days?
I did 2 courses and changed one accomodation..all in 2 months.. And now, I am living in a flat with 4 other girls..who are senior to me..and also doing 3rd course(!!) for an upcoming entrance exam..

I learnt a few things for some amazing people..(No..none of them are/were my room mates or even landlords)...

I keep forgetting what I learnt time to time.. So I will enlist it here.. And no, it won't be some bullet points with one line in front of each big dot..but it will have little background thought process of how I led to it..

First of all, I am not that fiercely ambitious(!!) feminist girl I used to be..
This is my biggest achievement so far.. :P
I want very few things...(Okay..okay.... Van Heusen Formals tops the list)..
Seriously... Good work in the industry I prefer, more than sufficient money(yes, gotta invest something for retirement..), good books.. and living below my means..maintain my mane...good food and broadband/3G internet.

Second thing I realized was success is something I will get when I will be closer to 30s...till then I want to keep doing my work quietly... Because all the amazing people I admire have worked in their industry for 10-15 years... They have expertise in their own domain, are down-to-earth and polite humans. The measure of knowledge and expertise for me is being able to teach some concept, chapter is intelligible and lucid language giving real-life analogies.

Third thing is something I hammer on my mind again and again and again, every damn day... Not to compare myself with anyone.... Its waste of time and thinking process...(I would solve Project Euler problems instead).. I have wasted huge amount of time in comparing myself with other people.. Not any more...

Referring to people I met till date here, just 2-3 people I met were genuinely nice.. Remaining all are, especially room-mates, they are grumpy all day long and selfish too... In their heads all the time... I mean we don't even smile at each other... I tried a lot for past month... Not anymore.. Now I pretend that they don't exist(a dear friend gave me this advice)... I try to be good (if not nice), try to smile, and try to help if possible... And I have stopped hoping/thinking that I will be able to make friends here.. I am not negative as such..but at least I am not desperate... I have bike and I go for chores, breakfast and shopping alone... And I am okay with it.. I badly miss my friends from my town, I miss my home, my parents and my Cat.. But still what I learnt was it doesn't cost much to smile and exchange few sentences.. I will strive to be nice with people who are nice to me
and at least good with people who are bad to me... Somehow I feel, this is more important than going to temple..or praying.. And try not to hold grudge against people around me..(I have been doing this a lot lately...)..

All in all, I want to remain sane and don't lose my hair..and sleep well... Everything else comes later...

Friday, 4 October 2013

Pages from My Diary {24-12-1011}

NB: This is really long back. I found it in my Evernote. Thought of publishing here. Its all depressing stuff. Skip if you don't want to read.
I really don't know what I want in my life. I don't have even the slightest idea where I'm going to.
I don't know how its gonna end. Though there are few things I'm sure about..
I want to get a job. I want to be really good at English. I wanna learn Japanese. Phew..

I don't have friends and I really mean it today. I seriously don't have friends.
Recently I broke my friendship with 2 best friends. 
I destroyed my SIM card and got the oldest one.
My inbox is empty these days.. It used to be flooding with with thousands of chat messages and forwards...
My g-Talk chat list is tiny now and nobody is on-line. I don't chat with anyone anymore.
I call AXYZ once or twice a day but she seemed irritated today so I won't call her for 2-3 days.
She is the only friend in contact with me. Life has taken a 360 degree turn within this fortnight. 
I lost 2 kgs. So many things...
But this was bound to happen....
I end up in a misery. Its alright. Life is a cycle so happiness is followed by sorrows, smile is followed by tears, joy is followed by disappointment.
Few days ago, I was high on my social life..lots of friends, thousands of forwards and text chats, talking 5-6 hours a day on phone and what not...
But now, it all disappeared like a dream....
I'm starting with a blank slate again....
I was in this condition one and half year ago but that was different...
This period came with lot of new experiences and mind-shifts..
I really feel bad sometimes....
I don't have anyone to talk to...
And I can't let it go with my usual IDM (It doesn't matter)...
Life is filled with emptiness...

Little Notes on Girlhood {Links - 5}

N.B.: This post is only for girls/women. Guys may/should skip it.

Now that I have been living with girls of my age and older for last two months. So I felt like sharing something I have learnt in this period (and in last 9 years of having period :P). So here it goes..

  • All of my room-mates past and present too(I changed the room a week ago) wear bra to bed. Some 6 months ago, while talking with a dear friend, she told me that she wears bra to bed.. And when I asked her why, she dint have any particular answer. I was shocked. And I am more shocked after coming here. It is torture to wear something tight around your chest  while sleeping. It makes breathing difficult but because that we have formed habit for years, we may not feel like that. In adolescence, we are told to wear bra..not to take it off while sleeping. So please do yourself and your lungs a favour and remove bra while sleeping. And no, your breasts won't sag if you skip it at night. (In fact, wearing bra has nothing to do with sagging of breasts. They are going to sag no matter what you do sooner or later because of gravity).
  • Don't use baking soda for scrubbing your face and lemon rind for that bleaching effect(!!!!!). Here is why.
  • Don't grow your toenails like your finger nails. Trust me it looks gross. And please do not color them with some trashy hues like shiny purple, black(unless you are as fair as Cinderella), fiery red. Peach, olive green, baby pink looks great. (Personally, I use transparent :P )
  • You need to read this about vaginal discharge and do your own research about things related to this. You SHOULD know your body. Start from here and here.
  • Seven tactics they use to make you buy you more makeup