Saturday, 26 October 2013

Little Notes on Life

Its such a long time I have written anything... Okay,  except codes.. They are my bread(whole wheat, mind you), butter(the white one we get when Mom churns the buttermilk, not Amul Butter) and well, cheese too...

So where I have been for all these days?
I did 2 courses and changed one accomodation..all in 2 months.. And now, I am living in a flat with 4 other girls..who are senior to me..and also doing 3rd course(!!) for an upcoming entrance exam..

I learnt a few things for some amazing people..(No..none of them are/were my room mates or even landlords)...

I keep forgetting what I learnt time to time.. So I will enlist it here.. And no, it won't be some bullet points with one line in front of each big dot..but it will have little background thought process of how I led to it..

First of all, I am not that fiercely ambitious(!!) feminist girl I used to be..
This is my biggest achievement so far.. :P
I want very few things...(Okay..okay.... Van Heusen Formals tops the list)..
Seriously... Good work in the industry I prefer, more than sufficient money(yes, gotta invest something for retirement..), good books.. and living below my means..maintain my mane...good food and broadband/3G internet.

Second thing I realized was success is something I will get when I will be closer to 30s...till then I want to keep doing my work quietly... Because all the amazing people I admire have worked in their industry for 10-15 years... They have expertise in their own domain, are down-to-earth and polite humans. The measure of knowledge and expertise for me is being able to teach some concept, chapter is intelligible and lucid language giving real-life analogies.

Third thing is something I hammer on my mind again and again and again, every damn day... Not to compare myself with anyone.... Its waste of time and thinking process...(I would solve Project Euler problems instead).. I have wasted huge amount of time in comparing myself with other people.. Not any more...

Referring to people I met till date here, just 2-3 people I met were genuinely nice.. Remaining all are, especially room-mates, they are grumpy all day long and selfish too... In their heads all the time... I mean we don't even smile at each other... I tried a lot for past month... Not anymore.. Now I pretend that they don't exist(a dear friend gave me this advice)... I try to be good (if not nice), try to smile, and try to help if possible... And I have stopped hoping/thinking that I will be able to make friends here.. I am not negative as such..but at least I am not desperate... I have bike and I go for chores, breakfast and shopping alone... And I am okay with it.. I badly miss my friends from my town, I miss my home, my parents and my Cat.. But still what I learnt was it doesn't cost much to smile and exchange few sentences.. I will strive to be nice with people who are nice to me
and at least good with people who are bad to me... Somehow I feel, this is more important than going to temple..or praying.. And try not to hold grudge against people around me..(I have been doing this a lot lately...)..

All in all, I want to remain sane and don't lose my hair..and sleep well... Everything else comes later...